The Beast Is Your Most Faithful Companion

A poem.

Jack Patrick
the Cafe



The beast is your most faithful companion.

Send your inner armies to fight against the slumber,

And the dark nights that cloud your world and soul.

Intent on victory,

Retreat … retreat.

The brain pulsates while the body lies weary.

The beast is your most faithful companion.

The beast is your most faithful companion.

The loss stands heavy upon the shoulders,

Omnipresent in the ears,

A mist hangs low in the blackened suffering mind.

Retreat and Defeat.

Mine eyes are the clouds with a greyness to exemplify,

And the beast is your most faithful companion.

Child-like innocence does pave the way

for better understanding one wishes they didn’t.

Curiosity spirals, and the door left ajar opens wider,

And wider

The steps taken forth lead further,

Much further

Into the jaws of the beast -

Your most faithful companion.

The beast is your most faithful companion.

Child-like sombre and child like laughter

Does make the man and put down the beast.

Accept if you wish

or rebel, revolt.

Brevity stands by your side, regardless the outcome.

The beast is your most faithful companion.

The beast is your most faithful companion.

Yet some are better lion tamers than others.

It lurks, prowling neatly,

Waiting to prey upon its prey,

But praying isn’t enough to deter it.

Society frowns upon its clowns,

and the beast is your most faithful companion.



MA Public History and Heritage and BA (Hons) History graduate, with a love for writing and learning.